Spring Rite 

Indigo Incarnates

I'm happy to say that my Spring Rite went really well last night at Turning Circle. Since it wasn't actually held on March 21st, I called it a "spring" rite instead of an "Ostara" rite. that, and I invoked the Goddess in the general form as opposed to her Ostara goddess aspect. We had 20 people come last night, and that's pretty good for a Pagan gathering (where a dozen is more the norm). I'm REALLY happy that everyone enjoyed the service and found spiritual meaning in it.

Doug also became a member of Turning Circle last night. He's still a Seeker but his Initiation into Wicca will be in January 2010. So he still has 10 months to go. but already he's learned a lot about Wicca. I'm really happy about this. :)
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The Blog is baaaaack!! 

Indigo Incarnates

Amazingly enough, I was able to figure out why my domain account was having so many problems. It's supposed to have 50 Gb worth of storage (more than I'll ever use) but it actually only had 50 Mb of storage (which I could easily use up). So the blog had been around for four years and each entry ate up little chunks of space. Last week, it hit the 50 Mb mark and collapsed the database. That's also why my email stopped working.

So, long story short, I got my account fixed. then I got a week's worth of email delivered to my blackberry.

Thanks for all the patience!
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