Statistics - General
110 entries using 29,912 words stored in 173,747 bytes.
47 comments using 3,663 words stored in 22,691 bytes.
0 trackbacks stored in 0 bytes.
0 static pages using 0 words stored in 0 bytes.
115,812 votes stored in 2,383 bytes.
10 Most rated entries
Cool Weekend! (3.15).
Police protection? Not on weekends! (3.11).
Beltane, Games, Etc. (3.08).
Desperado (3.08).
will not let it happen (3.08).
The Right Path (3.07).
The Ten Commandments in Practice (3.06).
Neighborhood Trees (3.05).
Spring Rite (3.04).
Really Goofy Dream (3.04).
10 Most voted entries
Moving the blog to The Butterfly Mage (1,554).
Karaoke Fun (1,481).
Beltane, Games, Etc. (1,400).
Christians Praise Malawi Law (1,397).
Forgotten (1,387).
Cool Ritual! (1,379).
Cool Weekend! (1,376).
Been a while (1,349).
Feeling down (1,343).
Super-Workout! (1,318).
10 Most viewed entries
Forgotten (34).
Cool Visit (30).
Beltane, Games, Etc. (29).
Headed to NYC (29).
Feeling down (29).
Almost Spring (28).
Cool Ritual! (28).
Sucktacular Weekend (28).
Turning Circle Ritual (28).
Christians Praise Malawi Law (27).
10 Most commented entries
Tired of being alive (3).
My Resolve (3).
A brief vent/rant (3).
Graduation! (2).
Palm Sunday (2).
Ten Years! (2).
Handbell Sunday (2).
Fun Weekend :) (1).
I assembled a futon! (1).
Bad (1).