Christians Praise Malawi Law 

I find it amazing Christians are praising the nation of Malawi for putting a gay couple in jail for 14 years.Many Christians on the associated comment forum (Newsvine) advocate putting all the gay citizens in the United States in jail.

Lemme point out something: Republican Fundamentalist Christians do **NOT** like to pay taxes. Seriously. So, these bigots obviously didn't think through their idea of universal incarceration of American homosexuals.

Since homosexuals make up about 3% of the US population, and the US population is approximately 300 million people, that means that there are about 9 million homosexuals. The amount of government outlay required to build enough prisons to house an additional 9 million people would have to cost close to a trillion dollars (if not more). Then the government would have to pay to hire guards, electricians, janitors, cooks, and all the other ancillary professionals that are associated with running a jail. Then there would be the cost of heating, air conditioning, water, and sewer. All that would be at taxpayer expense. Surely a pretty big tax increase would be required to foot the bill.

Now, the cost to the American taxpayer wouldn't stop there.

If you incarcerate 9 million homosexuals, the government would lose taxable income from those 9 million people, since jailed people can't hold jobs. The lack of taxes would have to be paid by the people who aren't incarcerated (i.e. the Christians).

The cost to the American taxpayer wouldn't stop there.

Since people in jail can't have jobs, that also means they can't pay bills. America would experience a brand-new wave of credit defaults as incarcerated homosexuals would be unable to make their payments on their homes, cars, and credit card bills. If I became incarcerated for being gay, I would be forced to default on my $75k mortgage, my $18k car, and my $2,200 credit card. Multiply that by 9 million, and you have a pretty big credit default! The American taxpayer would, of course, have to pick up the tab for that (are the Christian fundamentalists ready to open their wallets yet?)

The American people aren't done paying yet!

So, with 9 million gay Americans suddenly incarcerated, the companies these people worked for now have to hire and train 9 million replacements. Guess who pays for the cost of hiring and training? The consumer, of course!

Hang on! The taxpayers aren't done paying yet!

Fast forward fourteen years and the huge wave of formerly-incarcerated homosexuals are released from prison. Now the government has to hire a bunch of parole officers to supervise the recently released "criminals". Unemployment goes through the roof, since there are suddenly 9 million people who used to be incarcerated but are now out of work and essentially unemployable (it is VERY difficult for someone to get a job with a criminal record.) So the Christian Fundamentalists had better be prepared to open their wallets again since the unemployable, ex-con, gays will have to apply for welfare, food stamps, and social services (despite the fact that they used to be doctors, teachers, lawyers, coaches, writers, poets, construction workers, police officers, etc.)

What a brilliant idea from the Christian Right, eh?
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