Been a while 

Indigo Incarnates

It’s been a while since I’ve done any serious blogging. I guess sometimes I get into a mood where I don’t feel like I have anything useful to say. Other times, I feel like I’m just going to waste space by whining about things I cannot change. I’ve also felt worn down lately because of the situation at work (no raises for two years, working with a staff that hates the supervisor and vice versa). My caseload is 50% higher than it had been six months ago.

So… griping aside, here’s what’s going on.

Doug and I are getting married on August 6, 2010. It breaks my heart that we are so terribly broke and that our wedding is going to be an el-cheapo civil wedding. I’m glad we are getting married, but I’m sorry that we can’t afford something better. I want to eventually get a real Wiccan wedding.

Things are going well with Turning Circle. I’m excited that I’m leading three services this year (I lead one in the spring, I’m leading at Lughnassadh, and at Samhain). Wicca is everything that Christianity is not. Christianity is a religion of hate, fear, and death. Wicca is a religion of pace, respect, and life.

I’m happy to say that my mom is still alive. She’s outlived her life expectancy by nearly two years now. She is very sick, but she refuses to give up.

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