Ten Years! 

Indigo Incarnates

I am happy to say that as of today Doug and I have been together ten years! There are so many good things to say about Doug. He's kind, funny, and smart. He's a big fan of our three pets. He's good at his job. He lost 12 pounds. He makes nice dinners for us.

Doug has always stood by me even during bad times. He's been with me through episodes of really bad health. He's taken me to the hospital before when things got really bad. He always tries to understand what it's like to have a dissociative disorder.

Doug's really clever too. And he's good at picking out fun vacations (we're paying for our November cruise on Monday because we saved our money for 18 months!) Doug's good at finding fun Broadway shows.

I'm also glad that he understood why I left Christianity in favor of Wicca (Doug has also become disillusioned with the Church since it's become more of a political party than a religion). Doug always comes to the Wiccan services when I officiate. Doug came to my initiation ceremony too.

He has stood by me in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, in prosperity and poverty (right now, we have great health but lousy finances. Can't have everything, eh?)

Doug is very special and I love him very, very much!
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