
Halo incarnates

Feeling pressured. Feel like we have to cut. Hate who we are. Am worthless. Am stupid. Hate who we are. Need to cut. Blood pays for sins. Hate who we are. Hate myself. Am worthless. Hate being like someone who is dead. Hate being left behind. Hate being hated. Hate myself. Need to cut. Need to cut. Need to cut. Blood pays for sins.

Feeling pressured. Can't make it go away. Too much for us. Hate myself. Too much. Hate who we are. Am not a coward. Am not evil. Am not a coward. Need to cut. Hate who we are. Need to cut. Want to not be like this. Want to not have to be like this. Rage. Hate myself. Need to cut. Blood pays for sins.

Am tired. Really tired. Hate how body is numb. Not able to feel. Am not a remnant. Am not a remnant. Am real. Am not undead. Am real. Our blood is real. Blood pays for sins.

So tired. Hate who we are. Feeling so pressured. Wish it could stop. Am so tired. Need to cut. Am so tired. Am so tired. Am so tired. Blood pays for sins.
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