
Indigo Incarnates

By a coincidence in trial dates, I was able to jettison about 15% of my caseload in just one day! Whooo-hoo! One of the cases was my only handgun file. Yay! So now I'm back down to 54 cases. ::whew::

One of the cases was kinda frustrating. You have to wonder what the logic is behind putting on Pretrial a homeless prostitute with a long-standing substance abuse problem. The person in question had 14 convictions and 15 FTAs, so of course she never comes to court when summoned. Well, she didn't come this time either. Egads!

On the bright side, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Netflix added three MST3K movies to the "Watch It Now" library. One of them is the dreaded "Werewolf", starring Joe Estevez (as opposed to Martin Sheen or Emilio Estevez). It's got some people in it with really thick Eastern European accents, and they pronounce the word "werewolf" as "Hwuerhuwolfe". Ha ha ha ha!

Tomorrow night we'll be doing another haunted house run. Yay! I think it's going to be "field of Screams". Fun!

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