Been a while 

Indigo Incarnated

I know it's been a while since I posted. It's the same tired story every year: the sun goes away, and with it so does my energy. Sometimes I feel like I'm maxed out just going to work and back. It doesn't help much that, in Baltimore, the sky can be overcast for weeks at a time in autumn and winter. Add to that the fact that we usually get a thin, bone-chilling rain instead of snow. It just plain sucks. 

This winter had an additional twist. I was prescribed a cardiac medicine to control tachycardia (my heart sometimes goes to 210+ for no good reason). Well, the medicine was a disaster. Not only did it *further* deplete my energy, but it caused me to gain 25 pounds in about three months.  So I stopped taking it. 

The Solstice has come and gone. With the malfunctioning meds out of my system, I'm back at my usual exercise routine (being a little more careful, so as not to trigger the super-fast heart rate). The days have lengthened just enough that I can see the sun for a few minutes after work (on the rare non-overcast day). 

So things are looking up. 

I've been writing a novel for the past five years and am now working on chapter 59 (the chapter is called "The Palace of Hemi-Powered Drones"). I have 277,200 words written overall. The fact that I'm writing again is another effect of the seasonal energy-drain letting up a bit. 

I wanted to thank Java, Phos, Carol, and Celtic for always having kind words for me. :)

I'm looking forward to spring. 

Blessed be!
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