Ritual Planning 

Indigo incarnates

I'm pretty excited about leading three worship services this year at Turning Circle. I'm leading an esbit service (a Full Moon rite) at the end of February. I'm doing a Spring Rite in March, and I'm officiating over Samhain in October. I've written two of the three rituals so far and I'm working on the third. 

One of Doug's friends is planning on offering training for 2nd and 3rd degree initiates. Obama looking forward to that since I am a 1st degree initiate right now. 

The great thing about Wicca is that it's a participatory religion. Unlike many religions where the congregation just sits in a pew, Witches of all degrees of initiation get to participate in the construction and leading of worship. 

I've been taking some online Wiccan studies too. The interesting thing about the faith is that it's a really new religion and a very old religion at the same time. Wicca came out of the "broom closet" in the 1950s when the practice of witchcraft ceased being illegal. But the roots of Wicca predate Christianity. Some of the Christian holidays are really just repackaged pagan holidays. Even the birth of Christ was moved from April to December so match Yule, which celebrates the birth of the sun god. 

So, hopefully it will take less than a decade to become a 3rd degree initate. 
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