Selfish, Histrionic Flake 

Selfish, Histrionic Flake!

Indigo Incarnates

I found out from my brother last night that my selfish, histrionic flake of a sister decided to move back to Tennessee without any forewarning or prior notice. She *had* been helping to take care of mom (who has a terminal illness). Jenny *had* been living less than five miles away. Andy l(my brother) lives 40 miles away, and I live 210 miles away. So it had been REALLY helpful that Jenny could so easily look in on mom to make sure she was eating and taking her meds.

Well, Jenny has about as much depth as a piece of paper. Since it’s actually stressful to help care for someone who is terminal, Jenny decided to take the easy way out and just abandon mom in a time of need. Apparently, according to Andy, Jenny’s plan is to try to make amends with her husband in Tennessee. Good luck. Jenny came to Pennsylvania in the first place because she was conducting an adulterous affair with a man nearly 20 years younger than her husband. She’s a slut who has sex with any man in town who *isn’t* her husband, and she has shamed him every chance she ever got. So, with that said, I predict her reception in Tennessee will be a tad chilly.

I won’t call her a “whore”, however. See, whores get paid for what they do; Jenny is promiscuous for free.

Of, she stole some of her boyfriend’s money to make the trip to Tennessee and then ditched her cell phone. Typical.

When Mom dies, there will be no way of notifying my sister. This is really going to suck.

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