
Indigo Incarnates

I managed to get a no-goodnick locked up today at work. I think the felon in question was possibly the least amenable person ever on my case book. He was a gun-toting drug dealer who alsso had a history of beating up his girlfriend. He was also a counterfeitter (maybe he misinterpreted his mom's instruction to "go make some money", ha ha!) Hic supervised case was for drug possession. He was on drugs too, but wasn't interested in drug treatment. Oh, and he had a pending case for stealing someone's car. He had two seperate active probation supervisions for theft and counterfeiting. He'd also violated probation six times. He gave a bogus address and bogus phone number to the court.

But here's the kicker: despite having fourteen convictions -- including armed robbery -- some idiot court commissioner let him out of the clink on personal recognizance and said I had to supervise this dude. Nice.

Like this guy's going to show up for court.

Well, he missed to appointments -- the bare minimum needed to trigger a rescind. The judge read my petition and issued a rescind warrant with a $2,500 preset cash bail. I doubt this guy has $25. Good riddance.
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