Pissed off at T-Mobile 

Indigo Incarnates

As you all know, I'm something of a tech junkie. So, a few weeks ago, I bought a 3G phone from T-Mobile to use as a wireless modem for my laptop computer. It worked out pretty good until t-mobile changed their policy regarding the use of phones as modems. Apparently, only EDGE phones are now permitted to act as wireless devices (60-115 kbps). My Sony Ericsson had been doing over 500 Kbps.

So, then T-mobile said they had an alternate 3G phone that was able to be used. This was a Nokia 6263. The trouble is that it also only did around 115 kbps. The reason being is that it's NOT a 3G phone. Customer Care simply lied to me.

So I spent a week fighting with them about this situation and it basically turns out that I have 22 months of contract to look forward to. I think it might be time to cancel when the service is up. They consider it good business practice to change the tules of the game AFTER the contract is signed and then offer no recourse.
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