
Halo incarnates

Am tired. Knees hurt all night. Would make pain stop. Can do that. Made it stop. But then knees would hurt later. Then would make it stop. Then knees would hurt again. Made us tired. Can control pain. Can make it stop. But makes us tired to do it. Am tired. Was a long night. Not much sleep. Body is tired. Hate how body won't work right. Body doesn't work right sometimes. Want it to work right. Am always trying. Am being good. Am always trying. Am tired now. Don't know why body has to hurt for no reason. Didn't get hurt, but body hurts. Doesn't work right sometimes. Don't know why. Can control pain. Makes us tired sometimes, but can do it. Am tired now. Have to work but am tired. Am being good. Am always trying. Am not evil. Am being good. Am always trying. Trying hard.
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