Palm Sunday 

Indigo Incarnates

Today is Palm Sunday and it occurs to me that, other than technology, not a lot about the human condition has changed in two thousand years.

If you really want to read between the lines, Jesus was essentially executed for what would today be considered "disorderly conduct" at the very most (and even that would be thrown out). But in that day, the politically connected religious right of that day persuaded the government to kill Jesus because he had a religious message they disagreed with.

I have to wonder: Would Pat Robertson, Pope Benedict, or Fred Phelps *really* acknowledge Jesus as their lord? I doubt it. I find it more likely that those three would denounce Jesus and try to get him arrested on trumped-up charges. After all, Jesus preached about charity, inclusion, and equality. He didn't condemn gays. He didn't preach that a woman's place is in the home. He certainly didn't preach any sort of "prosperity gospel". No, he called the religious right a whitewashed tomb. He said that the selfish rich who ignored the poor would have a hard time getting into heaven. Jesus has but one commandment: love God and love each other.

That's something the religious right of that time just couldn't tolerate. Two thousand years later, the religious right still rejects Christ's message of love, charity, inclusion, and social justice. The religious right is still an instrument of the ruling government.

The modern-day church still tolerates the murder of homosexuals and pagans,. Likewise, the church still blames disasters (911 and Katrine just to name two) on unpopular minorities. The church teaches people how to hate and who it acceptable to kill and who deserves to die.

I don't think Jesus would recognize the Church as an institution based on his teachings.
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