Turning Circle Ritual 

Indigo Incarnates

The ritual service at Turning Circle was pretty nice last night. Pheonix led the ritual and she put a lot of work into it. We didn't have as many members as we usually do since the secondary roads are still partially buried, thanks to two snow storms back to back. 

The person I call "fake friend" was in attendance. This person still isn't talking to me (my offense, two weeks ago, was making a disparaging remark about Obama). Well, life has it's irritations. So be it. I don't give "fake friend" so much power over me that I can't have an enjoyable worship service. 

I'm excited that Doug is leading a service in April. I'm also glad that he's found spiritual fulfullment in Wicca. He had previously tried Buddhism and Christianity and found those religions to not be spiritually fulfilling for him. I'm glad Wicca works for him. 
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