Handbell Sunday 

Indigo Incarnates

We had a real treat today at St John's this morning. Rev Nick did the sermon! As most of you know, I attend Christian church services about once a month since Thistle is Christian and we are in handbell choir. Most of the time we get bored to tears with the poorly written sermons of the rector that I nicknamed "The Wooden Priest". The Wooden Priest is also utterly unapproachable and comports herself with an attitude that suggests she believes she is an exalted, more advanced life form and that the congregation are lesser, more primitive beings.

But not Reverend Nick. When it comes to Priests, Nick is the real deal. He writes a real sermon that teaches important spiritual truths in a way that can be easily understood. And yet his sermons are never condescending, nor is the congregation ever talked down to when he preaches. He's a life-affirming, positive, truthful man of faith. I can really respect that.

It's also cool watching him do the communion ritual. It never seems like the Wooden Priest is ever channeling divine energy when she does the rite. But when Reverend Nick does the communion, it seems like real ceremonial magic. Very cool.

I'm a Wiccan and Nick is a Christian, so our ideas on the exact nature of divinity are different. But I am really glad that Saint John's Church has a minister like him who has a real desire to commune with deity in meaningful ways and who tries to help others in their spiritual paths as well.
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