Understanding Christian Morality 

Indigo Incarnates

One of the effects of the Christofascist Prop 8 tragedy is that it serves as a stunning reminder of how Christianity is a wolf in sheep's clothing. In fact, it's an apex super-predator in sheep's clothing. While this religion prides itself as being a standard-bearer and source of light to the world, what it actually does is bring darkness, suffering, division, and misery wherever it operates unopposed. While the Christian faith may stand for goodness and peace, all you have to do is examine its actions to determine what Christianity *really* stands for.

The *real* Christian moral code:
-- All gays are inherently evil, are unforgivable, and shall be damned to burn in hell for all eternity. However, a murderer or rapist need only say "I'm sorry" to be forgiven by God.
-- It's a Hate Crime if a Christian is murdered by someone of a different faith, but when a Christian murders a homosexual, then it is simply God's will being done.
-- God periodically sends hurricanes to the Gulf Coast to punish Christians for not murdering enough gays. If only there could be a ballot initiative permitting Christians to slay homosexuals then bad weather would stop.
-- It's "persecution" when Christians don't get to put Nativity displays on school grounds. But it's not persecution when the Christians file suit to suppress Harry Potter books at school since the Christians think it promotes Wicca.
-- Christians think it's preferable to have a murderer as a next-door neighbor than to have a homosexual neighbor. Christians can understand and forgive murderers fairly easily but gays are abominations.
-- While same-sex couples are abominations in God's eyes, ordained priests who rape 10-year-old boys must be protected at all cost.
-- When covering up the crimes of Christian pedophile-priests, excommunication of the plaintiffs is a morally justifiable tool.
-- Because being an ordained Christian priest is so vital to the survival of the faith, it's a moral good when priests are relocated outside the limits of extradition when the police try to serve arrest warrants for child molestation crimes.
-- Christians believe that the murder of Matthew Shepard was a fine example of God's will being done.
-- Abortion is a sin but it's okay when Christians drown their kids in bath tubs or lock them into a car and then push the car into a lake.
-- Abortion is a sin, so it's okay to excommunicate a 9-year-old incest victim who has an abortion. Since the stepfather/rapist apologized to his priest, he was not excommunicated.
-- It's okay for Christian parents to withhold essential medical treatment for their children as long as they read the Bible and pray regularly. The death of an 11-year-old girl from being denied insulin is apparently God's will.
-- It's a moral imperative to disown one's gay children. It's also doing God's will when Christian parents kick their 14-year-old gay kids out into the streets.
-- Since many Pagan faiths value ecology and environmental responsibility, it's a moral imperative for Christians to destroy the environment as quickly as possible. If the ecology gets sufficiently ruined, then Jesus will come back and kill all the gays and witches.
-- Driving hybrid vehicles is doing the devil's work.
-- Jesus was a rich, white Republican.
-- Voting Republican is part of the Christian statement of faith.
-- It's okay to spread lies, hate, and rumor about unpopular minorities (such as gays and Pagans) if it gets one's theofascist agenda passed.
-- It's God's will that church funds be used to sponsor secular legislation that takes basic human rights away from unpopular minorities.
-- Some Christian sects believe in polygamy. It's a moral good that a 50-year-old man have two or three teen-age "brides in spirit", but it's unacceptable that same-sex couples have access to health insurance.
-- Because Christianity frowns on divorce, it's a wife's duty to tolerate being beaten by her husband since the Bible says she is to be submissive. The Church excommunicates women who divorce even if her husband beats her or her children.

Christianity is such a wonderful religion. Isn't it?
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