What does "GM" stand for? 

Indigo Incarnates

There used to be a time that GM built cars and employed Americans. Nowadays, GM seems to be the government's favorite charity case. Now the government owns a controlling interest in GM. Amazing how the times have changed, eh? So, my minions, if you had to pick a new definition for "GM", what would your choice be?

-- Gonna Maybe. (As in "gonna maybe be profitable by the year 2020).

-- Gimmie Money. (As in "We just spend another $10 billion in taxpayer bailouts and have nothing to show for it!)

-- Greedy Millionaires. (Referring to the moribund executives that bankrupted GM in the first place)

-- Got Maintenance? (As in "the taxpayers are on the hook for GM's warranty work".)

-- General Meltdown. (Referring to how GM went from a 50% market share to a 15% marketshare in just five years.)

-- Government Motors. (Referring, of course, to the fact that the President of the United States is also effectively the President of GM too!)

I think this is one of those tests that there are now wrong answers, har har!
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