A shank-free day! 

Indigo Incarnates

One of my duties as a Case Agent is community supervision. So once each month I pick six people out of my case book and verify that they live where they say they live. It is nice getting out of the office for the day.

The thing about Baltimore is that it is basically a city in ruins. Once upon a time, it had almost a million people living here. Now it's about 575,000 people and still decreasing. Almost all of the big employers have gone (Domino Sugar and the baseball/football stadia remain.) And drug addiction has wiped out entire neighborhoods. So where we drove today, most of the houses were boarded up and the few that were not appeared to be heavily deteriorated. You can tell who the drug dealers are since they have Lexus SUVs parked in front of their homes. They prey have nothing -- absolutely nothing.

Here's a shock: three of the six I chose didn't live where they say they did. Ditto for my coworker. We call the boarded up townhomes "boardies".

The good news is that neither I nor my coworker got shanked, shot, or run over. Yay!

Doug, Jeff, and I did our usual El Salto thing. It's always good cheap eats :)

Tomorrow is a moon esbet service at Turning Circle. That's always fun!
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