- 2010
2009? Good Riddance!
Indigo Incarnates
I have to say that I won't miss much about 2009. It wasn't the worst year I've been alive to see, but I've certainly seen better.
In our personal lives, Doug's sister died of cancer this year. I got diagnosed with an inconvenient hear -
Been a while
Indigo Incarnated
I know it's been a while since I posted. It's the same tired story every year: the sun goes away, and with it so does my energy. Sometimes I feel like I'm maxed out just going to work and back. It doesn't help much that, in Baltimore, the sky can be o -
Happy Yule!
Indigo Incarnates
Doug and I had a pretty low-key Yule today since the worship service at Cedar Light Grove got postponed until Saturday (thanks to about 2' of snow). But it really is nice getting REAL snow at least once per winter. And to have snow at Yule was a real bonus.
Stupid idiots in snow
Ashen Incarnates
The pathetic fools in Baltimore whine and cry over snow. Then they death themselves in bloated SUVs so they can buy five metric tons of bread, milk, and toilet paper. Pathetic.
It's also the Jesus Freak time of year. Nothing says "Christmas" lik -
Shank-free day!
Indigo Incarnates
Today was the monthly community supervision day at work. As usual, three of the six people I was supposed yo verify did not actually live where they say they live. One had an upstairs neighbor who hollared down "He doesn't live here now!" Another house was -
Episcopal Church Knifes GLBT Community
Indigo Incarnates
Although the Episcopal Church has a reputation as being at least somewhat GLBT-supportive, when the excrement hits the whirling blades, the Episcopal Church shows that it's no different than all the other hate-based, homophobic religions.
There's a
2009? Good Riddance!
- November
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