Cool weekend! 

Indigo Incarnates

With just one exception, this weekend has been pretty cool. On Friday, I led an Autumn rite at Turning Circle. The worship service went pretty well. The thing about Wicca is that there is a real focus on community and on personal spiritual development. At Turning Circle, we have two kinds of services: Circle Rites and Moon Rites. The Circle Rites are generally longer than the Moon Rites. Fortunately, it was pretty easy to shave down a Circle Rite down to the time constraints of a Moon Rite. Basically, to compare it to an Episcopalian service, a Circle Rite is like an 11:15am service while a Moon Rite is like a 7:00am service.

As a Wiccan who also attends Church at Saint John's in Ellicott City, I basically believe in two parts of the Christian Trinity. The attributes of Jesus are similar to that of the Wiccan God: courage, duty, stoicism in the face of death, sacrifice for the life of others, regeneration and new life following death. The Holy Spirit and the Wiccan Goddess in their respective faiths are described in similar ways: omnipresent, life giving, ever-loving, ever nurturing. I just don't buy into the idea that the hateful, violent, petty, genocidal War God of the Old Testament is the father of Jesus.

Saturday was pretty good. I did my Sarurday workout and I got to play a biweekly roleplaying game with Doug, Jeff, and Ritchie. I played a lizardman shaman that basically looked like a five-foot tall T-Rex. Doug played a cat humanoid that has big claws bit is usually too lazy to use them (ie., like a real cat, ha ha!)

The only drag this weekend was having another night full of nightmares about my dad. It's quite amazing how he's able to still hurt me even to this day. But since the Angry Desert God has always blessed the hateful and malevolent works my dad has wrought, I can hardly be surprised that YHVH has granted my father the ability to inflict injury from afar.

I'm trying to stagger my way through two church services today since it's handbell Sunday. I am really tired. :(
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