Saturday, March 28, 2009, 02:24 PM
Indigo Incarnates
It's been a week since Ostara (spring equinox) and I'm happy to say that it seems like the dreaded, soul-freezing winter really is finally over. It was drizzling today but it was warm outside so I took a two mile walk. The flowers and trees are awakening. I'm really happy about this. I took a few pictures on my route.
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Friday, March 20, 2009, 06:43 AM
Indigo Incarnates
Ever since the former governor gave BGE (the power company) permission to operate as an unregulated monopoly, the utility has raised rates through the freakin' roof. My winter heating bill used to be around $250/month, set at 68 degrees. Now it's $650/month, set at 59 degrees. And yet BGE has these public service announcements all day long about how we need to turn the thermostat down in order to "combat the rising cost of energy". Here's an idea: how about just not raise the cost of energy?! If I lower my thermostat any more than I have done so already, I'll freeze to death in my sleep.
We live in an area of the country with nuclear power, so the instability in the Middle East has no effect on nuclear fuel rods that are refined in this country and have a 30-year lifespan.
So... Now that the rates are nearly three times as high as they were three years ago, what has BGE done with the money? Build new power plants? Nope. Hire more technicians? Nope. Finance research in solar/wind? Nope. Improve the infrastructure in rural areas? Nope.
But... They did just announce that the top executives are getting a $32 million bonus this year.
So I freeze in my home, have only a few lights turned on, and can barely afford my groceries because my heating bill is nearly as big as my mortgage, just so a handful of stuffed shirts at BGE can get a $32 million bonus?!
Thanks a lot, Bob Ehrlich.
That's the Republican Way: steal from the working class and give to the rich. It's about the corporations, baby!
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