Really Goofy Dream 

Indigo Incarnates

Fortunately I have it on good authority from Doris that some dreams are just random synaptic events and don't neccessarily have to *mean* anything. That's good, since the dream I had last night would throw a therapist for a loop, heh heh.

So... In this dream, the Catholic Church came up with the brilliant idea of having a bunch of highly polished stainless steel robots ordained as Bishops. They still wore Bishop robes and hats, and they each carried a metal staff. But... Wow... These Bishops did *not* look friendly.

So the Church decided to unleash the Bishop-robots against the "sinful" general population (that being pretty much anyone who wasn't of the priesthood, har har). The robots seemed to have the ability shoot lightning bolts from their hands and eyes (so much for laying on hands, ha ha!)

So the dream ended with a bunch of these Bishop-bots all lined up in the hallway of some big cathedral. A floating ball-shaped thing seemed to touch each one in sequence and activate each machine.

Yeah... Talk about randon, eh?
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