Gloom and Doom 

Indigo Incarnates

It’s been dark, rainy, and cold for three days straight and the weather forecast predicts another four days just like it. Nice. It’s the kind o weather that makes this body ache. I can feel a sort of echo of every major injury I’ve ever had. I know that as a Wiccan I’m supposed to appreciate all aspects of nature and weather, but it’s hard to feel appreciative when my energy is drained and this physical body aches for no good reason. Of well… what can ya do?

On the bright side, we’re finally rid of T-Mobile. Doug’s iPhone arrived yesterday, so we finished porting our numbers to AT&T. Now, it’s not that I’m some gargantuan AT&T fan, but at least they have decent coverage where we live and where our families live. T-Mobile *used* to, but earlier this year they decided to cut costs by letting their roaming agreements expire. This had the effect of vastly shrinking their coverage area and making their data transfer rate a heck of a lot slower (my Blackberry was down to 4 Kbps towards the end.) Yeah, and I’m sure that anyone who owns a T-Mobile Sidekick is happy right now too, since T-Mobile botched the service in a spectacular way that made everyone’s Sidekick phones lose their stored phone numbers, photos, ring tones, and games.

I had to finally turn the heat on yesterday. But I did wait until the house got down to 54 degrees before I just couldn’t take it anymore. Electricity is absurdly expensive in Maryland because the former Governor (Robert Ehrlich) decided to let BGE operate as an unregulated monopoly for energy generation. So of course the first thing the company did was to more than double the price of natural gas and electricity. The CEO got a $30 million dollar bonus last year. Now our current Governor (Martin O’Malley) is dragging his heels on allowing a new power plant to be built – despite the fact that in doing so, thousands of jobs would be created and the price of electricity would go down because of the additional generating capability. He also raised taxes – a lot – despite the fact that the Bush Recession shows no signs of letting up anytime in the near future. So, to say the least, my income is lower, but everything else costs more. Lovely.

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