The Ten Commandments in Practice 

Indigo Incarnates

We are all familiar with Exodus 20. It’s not a bad set of rules as far as religious rules go: Love God, love your spouse and parents, and don’t lie, cheat, steal, covet, or kill. Sadly, this set of rules is outdated for modern Christianity. I’ve been an observer of Christian behavior for quite a while, and I’ve figured out the Ten Commandments that they ACTUALLY live by:

ONE: Thou shalt hate homosexuals with all your mind, heart, body, and spirit.
TWO: Thou shalt vote Republican in all matters of democracy
THREE: Thou shalt use deception, falsehood, and guile to accomplish thy goals.
FOUR: Thou shalt blame homosexuals for all matter of natural calamity as well as for war and famine,
FIVE: Thou shalt not murder, save that the victim is homosexual; then thou shalt strike to kill.
SIX: Thou shalt disavow one’s offspring if they proclaim to be homosexual.
SEVEN: Thou shalt slander religions other then thine own.
EIGHT: Thou shalt fear science, art, culture, and literature.
NINE: Thou shalt give credence to Leviticus, Acts, Romans, and Revelations above all other Biblical manuscripts.
TEN: Thou shalt claim Christ’s mercy for thine own whilst denying it to those who displeasest thou.

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