Almost Spring 

Indigo Incarnates

Unlike the dreadful weekend, it was sunny and mid-60s today. Now that the clocks have changed to the spring/summer mode, I was able to do a three-mile power-walk over at the NCR trail. It was nice. 

One of the aspects of being a changeling and not a human is the ability to sense life energy. Regular folk don't really notice that trees and plants are more than decorative. I can sense their life and it is a wonderful thing (Willow has more of this ability, but I do have some). 

While the trees and shrubs still look dormant to the naked eye, I can feel the rapidly increasing life-energy that will soon manifest in new blooms and blossoms. 

The little stream that runs by the trail is filled to the brim. The runoff from 5' of snow and three days of rain sure makes a difference in the water level. 

I heard about a zillion frogs somewhere along the riverside. They were blurping and chirping madly. I think some of the birds are coming back too. 

The Spring Equinox (Ostara) is next weekend. It'll be nice to be back into the "light" half of the year. 

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