Glad to not be Catholic 

Indigo Incarnates

Y'know... There are times when I wonder if the Vatican could have picked a more clueless Pope to be the successor to John Paul II. He made some Papal "pronouncements" that just left me scratching my head.

"Condoms Spread the AIDS Virus". Really? How's that happen? Beats me. But the Pope visited some of the poorest, most disease-ridden parts of Africa last week and commanded the faithful there to not practice safe sex. That's right. In an area of the world where AIDS is spreading like a wildfire, Pope Bene forbids people from using condoms.

How can this guy live with himself when he knows damned well that he gave advice that will literally get hundreds of thousands of people killed?

"Reject the Cloud of Evil that is Paganism". Excuse me? Pagans are evil? Since when? Apparently the Pope views the Pagan worldview as one rife with fear and superstition. Hmmm... But isn't it Catholicism that uses fear on a regular basis as a tool for controlling the masses. As for superstition... Catholicism is based on the idea of ransoming the dead out of purgatory by donating vast sums of cash to the church. If that's not superstition, I don't know what is. Anyway, it's usually been the Catholics murdering Pagans, not the other way around.

"Playing Baseball on Good Friday Insults the Church". Gimmie a break. If you really want to get technical, there's a 12-hour difference between Chicago and Jerusalem, so unless the Tigers are playing at midnight, it's irrelevant anyway.

But hey, this is the same Pope who restored into active duty several Bishops who are Nazi-sympathizing holocaust-deniers. He's also the same guy who suggested that voting for a pro-choice or gay-rights political candidate could be grounds for excommunication. Oh, and he did excommunicate a 12-year-old girl who was raped and had an abortion. The rapist, however, did not get excommunicated, since rape is apparently not a cardinal sin, but aborting a rapist's baby when you're the 12-year-old victim *is* a cardinal sin.

Can this religious leader be any less loving or be any more out of touch with reality?
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Rocky II 

Indigo Incarnates

I'm not referring to the sylvester Stallone movie, of course, hee hee. I did another 10 mile walk on the NCR trail and tool some more pictures of cool rock formations. It was a really nice walk. I heard so many birds twittering and cawing. I saw two cardinals as well.




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Signs of life 

Indigo Incarnates

It's been a week since Ostara (spring equinox) and I'm happy to say that it seems like the dreaded, soul-freezing winter really is finally over. It was drizzling today but it was warm outside so I took a two mile walk. The flowers and trees are awakening. I'm really happy about this. I took a few pictures on my route.





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A brief vent/rant 

Indigo Incarnates

I have to vent about something that really pissed me off last night. My choir master has known for years that I have a dissociative disorder. She also knows that it's dangerous for me to drive too late at night. As energetic as I am during the day, that energy fades very quickly all at once. I'm not human. My metabolism just functions differently. So I know that when I start feeling tired, I have about half an hour before I'm no good for driving a car. The choir master knows this too.

And yet...

She insisted I stay 20 minutes past the point in which I said "I need to leave". It just wasn't an option. She demanded that I stick around to practice three additional pieces (one of which I play a whopping four notes!)

So I ran out of energy while driving. Halo incarnated. I'm co-conscious to remember the fact that Halo couldn't get this body's eyes to focus, so we drove home with car taillights and street lights looking like huge red and amber spheres. I don't know how we didn't end up getting pulled over by a cop.

I'm really pissed off that the choir master was willing to put me in a position where I could have wrecked my car. An yes, I know I should have left anyway. But it's my nature to give. It's my nature to help. It's not my nature to say "no" when people ask things of me. It is what it is. But I don't understand how it is that the choir master can know me personally for over ten years and not believe me when I tell her that it's just not safe for me to drive really late. A "few more minutes" turned into 20 and I barely got home.

That's my venting.

Blessed be
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Lots of Rocks! 

Indigo Incarnates

I did a ten mile walk on the NCR trail today since the weather was so nice. There isn't much greenery yet since the weather has been pretty uncooperative. So i took some pictures of some pretty rocks. It was a really nice day today and Thistle got to fly. It was really good.

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Thoughts on deity 

Thistle Incarnates

There is sunlight today. It is good to have sunlight. It is good to fly. The winter has been cold and grey and too little energy. It is good to have energy.

I think of deity and think of how religion tries to help people think of deity. I do not think deity needs religion for deity's sake. But instead, religion is for humanity so humans can try to know deity. I think it is so important that religion is a useful construct to know deity, but religion is not deity. A hammer helps a craftsman, but a hammer is not a craftsman.

I think of how good it is when people use religion to help each other. Like a hammer used to build rather than destroy. It's good to not fight over deity. It's good to understand that we are created by love, are loved, and always shall be loved.

May it be that deity is felt and known for being life-giving and loving. Blessed be.
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BGE Bonus Bonanza 

Indigo Incarnates

Ever since the former governor gave BGE (the power company) permission to operate as an unregulated monopoly, the utility has raised rates through the freakin' roof. My winter heating bill used to be around $250/month, set at 68 degrees. Now it's $650/month, set at 59 degrees. And yet BGE has these public service announcements all day long about how we need to turn the thermostat down in order to "combat the rising cost of energy". Here's an idea: how about just not raise the cost of energy?! If I lower my thermostat any more than I have done so already, I'll freeze to death in my sleep.

We live in an area of the country with nuclear power, so the instability in the Middle East has no effect on nuclear fuel rods that are refined in this country and have a 30-year lifespan.

So... Now that the rates are nearly three times as high as they were three years ago, what has BGE done with the money? Build new power plants? Nope. Hire more technicians? Nope. Finance research in solar/wind? Nope. Improve the infrastructure in rural areas? Nope.

But... They did just announce that the top executives are getting a $32 million bonus this year.

So I freeze in my home, have only a few lights turned on, and can barely afford my groceries because my heating bill is nearly as big as my mortgage, just so a handful of stuffed shirts at BGE can get a $32 million bonus?!

Thanks a lot, Bob Ehrlich.

That's the Republican Way: steal from the working class and give to the rich. It's about the corporations, baby!
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On the mend 

Indigo Incarnates

One of the perks of not being human is that when I get any of the pesky human illnesses, they just don't last as long and they don't hit me as hard. Basically, I've missed a whopping six days of work over an 18 year period! Being a changeling does have its advantages.

So... I'm feeling a decent amount better right now. I think the low point was early in the afternoon. But I don't feel too bad now. Hopefully I'll be back at 100% by the weekend. I want to get back to the gym and start exercising again!

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Halo incarnates

Illness makes the body tired. Am tired. Don't like it when body doesn't work right. Don't like having illness. Hard to rest. Hard to sleep. Am tired.

Skinny-mom is sick again. Am afraid. Skinny-mom is too skinny. Gets sick too easy. Can't fix her. Always trying.

Am tired. Hate having illness. Hate being tired.
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Caught a cold 

Indigo Incarnates

I seem to have caught a cold. Ugh. I always try to avoid those petty human illnesses. But I'll do my best to surpress the illness. It sucks.

The thing I don't get about the common cold is why one's nose has to keep dripping and dripping and dripping. It's just so disgusting. :( I'm really tired. I haven't sllept well in two days. On the bright side, I got through the Spring Rite and my Wicca graduation before I started feeling too icky.

I never call in sick, so I went in to work. It was really dull.
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