Sunday, January 24, 2010, 08:46 AM
Indigo Incarnates
I am happy to say that, after four months of scrounging, I finally saved up enough money to buy a new computer. Yay! It's a cute little 13" Toshiba. So it's bigger than a netbook but smaller than a regular laptop. It's also got an "ecology" mode that makes the computer draw as little as ten watts. Very awesome!
I haven't been visiting many blogs lately since my iPhone has been my primary access to the Internet. It's a nice phone, but it's sorta hard to make posts because my eyes get tired looking at such a tiny screen. I will be better at visiting the blogs -- especially Phos, Carol, and Java.
I joined the handbell choir located at the Unitrian fellowship in Columbia, Maryland. My Wicca fellowship is associated with the Unitarians. They are pretty nice folk. We play handbells at the 9:00am service this morning. It should be pretty cool. It looks like a Unitarian worship service is pretty positive and life affirming, and is also sort of "generic deity" as opposed to being explicitly Christian. That outlook works for our system since I'm Wiccan and Thistle is Christian. This format seems like a workable compromise.
There's a brass quintet playing this morning too. That should be really cool!
I talked to mom. Her health is getting pretty bad, pretty quickly. I will visit her next weekend since I don't think she has a lot of time left. I worry about what will happen when she dies. I have about $2,000 that I could easily access, but that's about it. My sister is a spendthrift who never has two nickels to rub together. My uncle is a millionaire but already indicated that he won't part with a penny. I don't know how I will be able to afford her funeral. She also won't talk about these things, so I have no idea whether she would prefer a Christian or Wiccan funeral service -- she's been more Pagan in recent years but never became an actual initiate. I do know that I will do everything in my power to exclude Uncle Jimmy from the funeral.
It sucks being the one furthest away. My sister just completely flips out when the subject of mom's looming death gets brought up. My brother never answea his phone, so I haven't talked to him very much at all. He's 25 but his emotional outlook is closer to 15. It's going to be really bad when mom dies.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 08:59 PM
Indigo Incarnated
Egads... It is really boring without Doug this week. I will be really glad when he comes home on Sunday. He said that it is STILL snowing in Erie! Aiee!
Note to Phosgene: I made it home in one piece! Yay! Thanks for asking :)
On the bright side, I started ringing in a new handbell choir at the Unitarian church in Columbia. My Wicca group is affiliated with the Unitarians, and they rent chapel space to us for a whopping $120/year. Yay!
The choirmaster, Tom, ses like a pretty easygoing sort. I don't think he's been directing bells for very long. All the equipment looked brand new and none of the sheet music scores have ever been marked up. It's a small choir of five members. The other four seem to have a skill level similar to mine, so I was happy about that. At my old choir, I was sort of a low/mediocre talent at best. At this choir, I'm more of an equal.
The bells were pretty neat looking. The bells I'm used to using are round, brass, and have the strikers on the inside of the bell. The ones I used on Monday night, however, were rectangular, aluminum, and had the strikers on the outside.
This type of bell has its plusses and minuses. On the plus side, they produce a loud, very pure tone. They also resist fingerprints (always a bugaboo with brass bells). The rectangular form factor also means they don't roll around on the table. The down side is that you can't ring four-in-hand with square bells. Because they have external strikers, there is less dynamic control than on round bells (ie. These bells ring mezzo-fotre and forte, but not mezzo-piano or piano).
My first bell assignment is for six bells. Very cool. I usually only got three bells at Saint John's. A smaller choir generally means bigger assignments.
Of course, it can't hurt to have Turning Circle represented in the UU's handbell choir. The Unitarians let us lead two of their worship services each year too. They're pretty supportive of the Wiccan community even though they aren't Wiccan.
I think this is going to be pretty fun :)
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 06:56 AM
Indigo Incarnated
I know it's been a while since I posted. It's the same tired story every year: the sun goes away, and with it so does my energy. Sometimes I feel like I'm maxed out just going to work and back. It doesn't help much that, in Baltimore, the sky can be overcast for weeks at a time in autumn and winter. Add to that the fact that we usually get a thin, bone-chilling rain instead of snow. It just plain sucks.
This winter had an additional twist. I was prescribed a cardiac medicine to control tachycardia (my heart sometimes goes to 210+ for no good reason). Well, the medicine was a disaster. Not only did it *further* deplete my energy, but it caused me to gain 25 pounds in about three months. So I stopped taking it.
The Solstice has come and gone. With the malfunctioning meds out of my system, I'm back at my usual exercise routine (being a little more careful, so as not to trigger the super-fast heart rate). The days have lengthened just enough that I can see the sun for a few minutes after work (on the rare non-overcast day).
So things are looking up.
I've been writing a novel for the past five years and am now working on chapter 59 (the chapter is called "The Palace of Hemi-Powered Drones"). I have 277,200 words written overall. The fact that I'm writing again is another effect of the seasonal energy-drain letting up a bit.
I wanted to thank Java, Phos, Carol, and Celtic for always having kind words for me. :)
I'm looking forward to spring.
Blessed be!
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Monday, December 21, 2009, 10:23 PM
Indigo Incarnates
Doug and I had a pretty low-key Yule today since the worship service at Cedar Light Grove got postponed until Saturday (thanks to about 2' of snow). But it really is nice getting REAL snow at least once per winter. And to have snow at Yule was a real bonus.
The funny thing us that Christmas and Yule basically celebrate the same thing. Jesus is a lightbringer, born of Mary. The Sun God is born of the Mother Goddess. The days will start getting longer again. And, in a few short months, life will return to the land. The cycle of life, death, rest, and rebirth continues, as it should.
Doug gave me a pair of statues for my altar and gave me a book. The Goddess and God figurines are pretty and really round out the altar.
I did a very complete job cleaning the house as a special treat for Doug. He was pretty happy with how clean the house looked when he came home. I didn't have any money, but I could at least do something nice for Doug.
Blessed be :)
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