2009? Good Riddance! 

Indigo Incarnates

I have to say that I won't miss much about 2009. It wasn't the worst year I've been alive to see, but I've certainly seen better. 

In our personal lives, Doug's sister died of cancer this year. I got diagnosed with an inconvenient heart condition (not life-threatening). I got two pay cuts this year because of the recession. My laptop bit the dust. The cardiac meds made me gain 25 pounds. 

In the broader view, we got yoked with a lazy, lying President that utterly betrayed the GLBT community at every opportunity. He pretty much broke every other promise too. He spent $2 trillion in borrowed money wilth nothing to show for it. The economy is actually worse than the Carter years under his "leadership". 

This year also saw the Christians declare outright war on the GLBT community. Bills like Prop-8 and Prop-1 stripped us of basic civil freedoms and were 100% funded by Church donations. Rick Warren and his cronies also are responsible for the gay-extermination legislation in Uganda. It's a trial run for what the Christians want to accomplish in the United States. 

So, yeah, this year really sucked. Good riddance!
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