Hiding out 

Indigo Incarnates

Since Doug is away for a few days and Samhain was last night, I'm sorta keeping a low profile tonight so I don't get inundated with neighborhood kiddies wanting candy. Egads. So, I have all the lights out downstairs and I'm watching a movie upstairs. Gotta love Mystery Science Theater 3000!

So, I had the day off so I had some time to play some Sacred-2 today. Gotta love a game where one can play a warrior angel that says snarky things like "I cannot forgive your blasphemy" and "Burn for your sins!" while chopping the heads off zombies and kobolds. I'm playing it on "hard" now instead of "regular". Very cool :)

I'm not a big fan of daylight savings time. I really think it's long overdue to jettison the goofy semi-annual time adjustment that Ben Franklin came up with. For me, it just totally distresses me that the sun will be setting at 5:00pm or so tomorrow. Ugh!

I'm watching "laserblast", the MST3K version of course. It amazes me that some of these movies actually got made! This particular cinematic gem features a sociopathic teenager that finds a piece of alien hardware in the middle of the desert. It's a goofy sort of arm-mounted laser cannon. So of course the completely unlikable youth uses the gun to blow up people he doesn't like. Ha ha ha ha! And it gradually turns him undead too. Whoopoo-hoo!

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Halo incarnates

is hard sometimes. Sometimes worry. Bad dreams. Sometimes afraid to sleep. Am tired. Hate nightmares. Am tired. Feel like cutting. Didn't cut. Hard to not do it. Didn't cut. Am so tired.
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hate it 

halo incarnates

hate being incomplete. will never be whole. will never be how we should be. hate the memory. hate what happened. didn’t ask for it. didn’t want it to happen. didn’t ask for it. was forced. hated it. hated it hated it. will never be free of it. will always be haunted. hate it. feel like cutting. blood pays for sins. hate being hated. hate being feared. didn’t want things to happen. hate being afraid. am not a coward. didn’t want things to happen. didn’t know what to do. hate myself. hate feeling defiled. hate feeling unclean. will never be whole. hate myself. hate myself. hate myself. want to cut. nothing sharp here. want to cut. no way to cut. am tired. hate being haunted. hate being haunted when we sleep. hate having memory of what was. didn’t ask for it. didn’t want it. hate myself. hate myself. hate myself. hate being incomplete. will never be whole. hate what happened. hate it. didn’t ask. hate it. can never forget. am haunted.

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Racing thoughts  

Halo incarnates

hate myself. Want to cut. Hate feeling ashamed. Hate being haunted.
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Gloom and Doom 

Indigo Incarnates

It’s been dark, rainy, and cold for three days straight and the weather forecast predicts another four days just like it. Nice. It’s the kind o weather that makes this body ache. I can feel a sort of echo of every major injury I’ve ever had. I know that as a Wiccan I’m supposed to appreciate all aspects of nature and weather, but it’s hard to feel appreciative when my energy is drained and this physical body aches for no good reason. Of well… what can ya do?

On the bright side, we’re finally rid of T-Mobile. Doug’s iPhone arrived yesterday, so we finished porting our numbers to AT&T. Now, it’s not that I’m some gargantuan AT&T fan, but at least they have decent coverage where we live and where our families live. T-Mobile *used* to, but earlier this year they decided to cut costs by letting their roaming agreements expire. This had the effect of vastly shrinking their coverage area and making their data transfer rate a heck of a lot slower (my Blackberry was down to 4 Kbps towards the end.) Yeah, and I’m sure that anyone who owns a T-Mobile Sidekick is happy right now too, since T-Mobile botched the service in a spectacular way that made everyone’s Sidekick phones lose their stored phone numbers, photos, ring tones, and games.

I had to finally turn the heat on yesterday. But I did wait until the house got down to 54 degrees before I just couldn’t take it anymore. Electricity is absurdly expensive in Maryland because the former Governor (Robert Ehrlich) decided to let BGE operate as an unregulated monopoly for energy generation. So of course the first thing the company did was to more than double the price of natural gas and electricity. The CEO got a $30 million dollar bonus last year. Now our current Governor (Martin O’Malley) is dragging his heels on allowing a new power plant to be built – despite the fact that in doing so, thousands of jobs would be created and the price of electricity would go down because of the additional generating capability. He also raised taxes – a lot – despite the fact that the Bush Recession shows no signs of letting up anytime in the near future. So, to say the least, my income is lower, but everything else costs more. Lovely.

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The Wiccan Path 

Indigo Incarnates

Every time I lead or participate in a Wiccan rite, I get more assured that this is the right spiritual path for me. I think it significant that the Wiccan deities are a god and goddess of nature. In Christianity, Judeaism, and Islam, the deity is a god of war. In Wicca, the goddess and god are not ashamed of creation and not ashamed of their children (ie. us). In the Abrahamic faiths, the angry war god of the desert hates creation and is ashamed of humanity. I choose a faith where I am loved by the goddess and god.

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Cool weekend! 

Indigo Incarnates

With just one exception, this weekend has been pretty cool. On Friday, I led an Autumn rite at Turning Circle. The worship service went pretty well. The thing about Wicca is that there is a real focus on community and on personal spiritual development. At Turning Circle, we have two kinds of services: Circle Rites and Moon Rites. The Circle Rites are generally longer than the Moon Rites. Fortunately, it was pretty easy to shave down a Circle Rite down to the time constraints of a Moon Rite. Basically, to compare it to an Episcopalian service, a Circle Rite is like an 11:15am service while a Moon Rite is like a 7:00am service.

As a Wiccan who also attends Church at Saint John's in Ellicott City, I basically believe in two parts of the Christian Trinity. The attributes of Jesus are similar to that of the Wiccan God: courage, duty, stoicism in the face of death, sacrifice for the life of others, regeneration and new life following death. The Holy Spirit and the Wiccan Goddess in their respective faiths are described in similar ways: omnipresent, life giving, ever-loving, ever nurturing. I just don't buy into the idea that the hateful, violent, petty, genocidal War God of the Old Testament is the father of Jesus.

Saturday was pretty good. I did my Sarurday workout and I got to play a biweekly roleplaying game with Doug, Jeff, and Ritchie. I played a lizardman shaman that basically looked like a five-foot tall T-Rex. Doug played a cat humanoid that has big claws bit is usually too lazy to use them (ie., like a real cat, ha ha!)

The only drag this weekend was having another night full of nightmares about my dad. It's quite amazing how he's able to still hurt me even to this day. But since the Angry Desert God has always blessed the hateful and malevolent works my dad has wrought, I can hardly be surprised that YHVH has granted my father the ability to inflict injury from afar.

I'm trying to stagger my way through two church services today since it's handbell Sunday. I am really tired. :(
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He got the award... for what? 

Indigo Incarnates

It’s hard to imagine a person less deserving of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize than Barack Obama. The only one I can think of is the late, unlamented arch-terrorist/thief Yassir Arafat.

When I heard that Obama was going to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, the first though that came to mind was “But… he hasn’t DONE anything!” Really. What the heck has Obama done in the past 9 months that make him worthy of this award?

Let’s see… in nine months, he broke every promise he ever made while campaigning.

Advancing the cause of the LGTB community? That’s a broken promise.
Ending the war? That’s a broken promise.
Ending “too big to fail”? That’s a broken promise.
Ending lobbying? That’s a broken promise.
Closing GitMo? That’s a broken promise.
Revoking the Patriot Act? That’s a broken promise.
Hiring only ethical, scandal-free appointees? That’s a broken promise.
The list goes on, but you get the idea.

I got it! He got the Nobel Peace Prize for having the most promises broken within the first year in office!

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Busy week 

Indigo Incarnates

This week has been rough so far. I had to run two case books since one of the agents was out sick. I handles about a hundred cases! The horror!!! And there's some odd and sinister thing going on at the higher echelons of management. I have the dreaded feeling that there is about to be a massively unpleasant shakeup at work. Fortunately I do very detailed and comprehensive case work. Still, the stress level is really high right now.

On the bright side, I've got one of our four phones migrated to AT&T. The other three will port over on Tuesday. Doug and I are getting one iPhone and one el-cheapo phone each. We're sorta gadgety so we have one phone for Internet/email and one for talking to people. I have my iPhone activated and it is a totally awesome device. It's basiclly got a
less power than a netbook, but far more power than any regular smartphone.

Tomorrow will be pretty neat. I'm leading a worship service at Turning Circle. I'm leading an Autumn Rite. It's not a "high" rite, but it'll be nice.

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Fun weekend stuff! 

Indigo Incarnates

It's been a really fun weekend, the most enjoyable one I've had in a while. It also didn't cost that much money either.Yay!

So Doug, Jeff, and I went to "Field of Screams" this weekend since it is "Haunted House Season". The owners made some significant improvements so that a lot of things catch on fire. Whooo-hooo!Propane always makes things more interesting. There was also a "Frankenstein" tableaux that featured the biggest Jacob's Ladder I've ever seen.

Last night, Doug, Joann, and I had dinner at PF Chang's. Joann is one of my friends from Pretrial Services. One of the advantages of being a vegetarian is that the veggy entries are always pretty inexpensive. And it's always fun talking trash about lazy coworkers, hee hee.

I also did a whole lot of exercise. I did 8 miles on Saturday and 6 miles today. And it was sunny today, so I was able to get some energy too.

Yesterday was the full moon. That's a good day for doing a healing ritual so I cast a healing spell on my mom's behalf. I am happy that she has outlived her diagnosis by a year. Her doctor gave her six months to live -- 18 months ago.

So... it was a pretty fun weekend.
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