
Ashen Incarnates

I let loose the flames of rage. That coward, cousin Carl, is a pion of Uncle Jimmy -- a spy, a lackey, an underling. He reports all that he sees to that greedy bastard. We let him know that WE know that he does this. We shamed him verbally for letting the skinny mother become so destitute and hungry while saying NOTHING to those who could have done somehting about it. Shame on him for being an honorless coward. Shame on him for doing nothing when he had to simply call us. Shame on him for covering up for Jimmy's rampand greed and heartlessness. Shame on him for lacking a shred of moral courage. Shame on him for being a spy and for attempting to gain the favor of a greedy, heartless bastard who hates him too. Shame on him for being doing nothing while someone weak and powerless went hungry. May his shame follow him from this life to the next.

Uncle Jimmy -- that bastard likely uses the Wall Street Journal as a source of masterbation material. He treats his own blood kin as nothing more than a line-item in his investment portfolio. He has no conscience. He has no moral compass. He is a millionaire that will not part with a penny of charity for blood kin in need. He robs the skinny mother of her disability check as rent, leaving her so little that she cannot afford food. And coward carl did NOTHING. He did not call us. He did not alert us. The skinny mother is sick and dying, but she should not go hungry.

It was worth it to overdraft our checking account to get the skinny mother groceries. We need her to eat. She has to eat. It is a crime against human decency that Jimmy holds the purse strings with a grip of iron and coward-carl stood by watching as this evil unfolded. Shame on carl for being a coward. Shame on jimmy for being a money-grubbing, soulless, penny-pinching despot.

We will not let the skinny mother go hungry. And we gave coward-ccarl a chastisement that he shall not forgett. Then we said "Use this phone now to report to you master what was said and what was done. Do it now, in our presence!"

The coward did not do so. He will make his phone calls of betrayal and intrigue from a place of secrecy when we are not here -- such is the coward's way.

Damn them both. Thrice damned. May they reap the bitter harvest of what they have sown. May they choke on dust and salt and ash. May they have a need and only find closed doors and hardened hearts. May they receive threefold what they have visited upon the weak and the powerless. By word, by action, by sigil: so mote it be.

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