Cool Thanksgiving Weekend 

Indigo Incarnates

The Thanksgiving weekend was surprisingly drama-free for a change. My uncle invited Doug and I over for Thanksgiving dinner and there was a reasonable amount of vegetarian things for me to eat. My uncle's sister refrained from making racial slurs or making disparaging remarks about Wicca. My cousin's little daughter is out of the "terrible twos". So all in all it was a nice visit. 

Yesterday I drove up to Pennsylvania to visit mom. She remains very Ill, of course, since her lung disease is incurable. But she was doing well all things considered. She still likes her new apartment and is out from the clutches of the uber-jerk Uncle Jimmy. She made a pizza from scratch and it was yummy! She has a really cute itty bitty kitchen. 

I got to torment mom with some episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and them was watched part of the James Bond marathon on sci-fi channel. 

Apparantly I didn't miss much by not visiting Jimmy for Thanksgiving. My sister visited him and he was quite cruel to her. But Jimmy's good at ruining holidays. It makes me wonder why she was invited over if all Jimmy was going to do was humiliate her. Methinks my sister won't accept the invitation next year. 
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Odd Dell Experience 

Indigo Incarnates

So... the changeling effect claimed another victim recently. The laptop I bought about two years ago started having some serious (and expensive) problems. The keyboard and touchpad would become intermittantly unresponsive, one USB port was dead, and the machine started having serious problems with video playback. The battery life was also getting kinda short. So Doug said it was my turn for a new computer since he had recently purchased a netbook.

We had an account at Dell. I found a little laptop I really liked for $579 in the "small business" section. When it came to checkout, however, Doug learned that he couldn't buy it since he wasn't an incorporated business. The same computer in "retail" section (for individual consumers and not businesses), cost a lot more money and had a much weaker video card and less memory. To boost the retail version up to the corporate version, it would have cost about $250 more. I wasn't willing to spend $800 for a computer since I know these machines typically die horrible and quick deaths when I am the owner.

So we ended up not buying one at all. Doug gave me his 4-month-old netbook that he's used only a handful of times. I like this little 10" computer quite a bit. And it's already paid for! Whoo-hooo!

But the experience did leave me scratching my head a bit. How come Dell sells two versions of the same machine in which the weaker one actually costs more money?!
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Indigo incarnates

Doug and I leave for out cruise tomorrow morning at 6:00 am. There's nothing like a three hour wait to get on an airplane followed by a six-hour flight. Urg! We were smart and got a jet for the day before so we don't have to worry about missing the boat.

The great thing is that we paid for everything in advance. The only thing we'll have to pay for inboard are souvineers and booze. Since I don't really drink anymore, I imagine the booze tab will be reasonably small.

The two nasty surprises we got today include the dog boarding fee ($520) and the luggage fee ($55). Two years ago, the dog fee was $260 and there was no loggage fee. Gotta love that Bush/Obama hyperinflation. Egads.

On the bright side, I have some Doctor Who movies loaded on my iPhone. So I have at least something to watch for the flight down.

I know lately that I have been pretty hard on Christianity. I've come to the conusion that there are plenty of good Christians, but these are Christians that avoid group-think. Maybe someday the number of individual Christians will outnumber the group-think Christians. I hope that comes to pass.

Posted By Indigo to The World According to Indigo at 11/10/2009 04:34:00 PM
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The Ten Commandments in Practice 

Indigo Incarnates

We are all familiar with Exodus 20. It’s not a bad set of rules as far as religious rules go: Love God, love your spouse and parents, and don’t lie, cheat, steal, covet, or kill. Sadly, this set of rules is outdated for modern Christianity. I’ve been an observer of Christian behavior for quite a while, and I’ve figured out the Ten Commandments that they ACTUALLY live by:

ONE: Thou shalt hate homosexuals with all your mind, heart, body, and spirit.
TWO: Thou shalt vote Republican in all matters of democracy
THREE: Thou shalt use deception, falsehood, and guile to accomplish thy goals.
FOUR: Thou shalt blame homosexuals for all matter of natural calamity as well as for war and famine,
FIVE: Thou shalt not murder, save that the victim is homosexual; then thou shalt strike to kill.
SIX: Thou shalt disavow one’s offspring if they proclaim to be homosexual.
SEVEN: Thou shalt slander religions other then thine own.
EIGHT: Thou shalt fear science, art, culture, and literature.
NINE: Thou shalt give credence to Leviticus, Acts, Romans, and Revelations above all other Biblical manuscripts.
TEN: Thou shalt claim Christ’s mercy for thine own whilst denying it to those who displeasest thou.

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My Resolve 

Indigo Incarnates

First, let me offer a disclaimer: what I am about to write does NOT apply to Doris, Nancy, Nick, or Joan. It does apply to all other Christians.

Christianity declared war against the gay community back in the Reagan era. The Church was had great exultation when there were hundreds of thousands of young gay men dying of AIDS each year. Fast-forward thirty years and the Church’s war against gays continues. The Church fights for their right to kill us without penalty (as evidenced to their opposition to Hate Crime legislation that also protects Christians but they wanted it to not protect gays as well). The Church has stripped us of our civil protections in 31 states as well. The Church plans on legislating discrimination in all fifty states. Then they will go for an anti-gay Federal amendment. Then they will criminalize us. Then they will imprison us. Then they will put us to death.

Christianity has declared war on gays. They have the money and power to win it. Someday we will all be sucking Cyclon-B while the Christians quote Leviticus as they sing the praises of ballot initiatives.

So since I am the target of Christian hate, I will hate them in return. I will hate Christianity and hate Christians with all my mind, heart, and spirit.

This is what I have resolved:

If a Christian is stranded on the roadside, I will refuse them a ride
If a Christian needs a blood transfusion, I will refuse them a drop.
If a Christian needs a dollar, I will refuse them a penny.
If a Christian needs a shoulder to cry on, I will walk away.
If a Christian is getting mugged, I won’t dial 911.
If a Christian is drowning, I’ll throw them both ends of the rope.
If a Christian is hungry, I won’t spare them a crumb.
I hate the Church. I hate Christianity. They will get nothing from me but wrath and scorn. May they get threefold return on the harm they cause others.

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Hiding out 

Indigo Incarnates

Since Doug is away for a few days and Samhain was last night, I'm sorta keeping a low profile tonight so I don't get inundated with neighborhood kiddies wanting candy. Egads. So, I have all the lights out downstairs and I'm watching a movie upstairs. Gotta love Mystery Science Theater 3000!

So, I had the day off so I had some time to play some Sacred-2 today. Gotta love a game where one can play a warrior angel that says snarky things like "I cannot forgive your blasphemy" and "Burn for your sins!" while chopping the heads off zombies and kobolds. I'm playing it on "hard" now instead of "regular". Very cool :)

I'm not a big fan of daylight savings time. I really think it's long overdue to jettison the goofy semi-annual time adjustment that Ben Franklin came up with. For me, it just totally distresses me that the sun will be setting at 5:00pm or so tomorrow. Ugh!

I'm watching "laserblast", the MST3K version of course. It amazes me that some of these movies actually got made! This particular cinematic gem features a sociopathic teenager that finds a piece of alien hardware in the middle of the desert. It's a goofy sort of arm-mounted laser cannon. So of course the completely unlikable youth uses the gun to blow up people he doesn't like. Ha ha ha ha! And it gradually turns him undead too. Whoopoo-hoo!

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Halo incarnates

is hard sometimes. Sometimes worry. Bad dreams. Sometimes afraid to sleep. Am tired. Hate nightmares. Am tired. Feel like cutting. Didn't cut. Hard to not do it. Didn't cut. Am so tired.
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hate it 

halo incarnates

hate being incomplete. will never be whole. will never be how we should be. hate the memory. hate what happened. didn’t ask for it. didn’t want it to happen. didn’t ask for it. was forced. hated it. hated it hated it. will never be free of it. will always be haunted. hate it. feel like cutting. blood pays for sins. hate being hated. hate being feared. didn’t want things to happen. hate being afraid. am not a coward. didn’t want things to happen. didn’t know what to do. hate myself. hate feeling defiled. hate feeling unclean. will never be whole. hate myself. hate myself. hate myself. want to cut. nothing sharp here. want to cut. no way to cut. am tired. hate being haunted. hate being haunted when we sleep. hate having memory of what was. didn’t ask for it. didn’t want it. hate myself. hate myself. hate myself. hate being incomplete. will never be whole. hate what happened. hate it. didn’t ask. hate it. can never forget. am haunted.

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Racing thoughts  

Halo incarnates

hate myself. Want to cut. Hate feeling ashamed. Hate being haunted.
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Gloom and Doom 

Indigo Incarnates

It’s been dark, rainy, and cold for three days straight and the weather forecast predicts another four days just like it. Nice. It’s the kind o weather that makes this body ache. I can feel a sort of echo of every major injury I’ve ever had. I know that as a Wiccan I’m supposed to appreciate all aspects of nature and weather, but it’s hard to feel appreciative when my energy is drained and this physical body aches for no good reason. Of well… what can ya do?

On the bright side, we’re finally rid of T-Mobile. Doug’s iPhone arrived yesterday, so we finished porting our numbers to AT&T. Now, it’s not that I’m some gargantuan AT&T fan, but at least they have decent coverage where we live and where our families live. T-Mobile *used* to, but earlier this year they decided to cut costs by letting their roaming agreements expire. This had the effect of vastly shrinking their coverage area and making their data transfer rate a heck of a lot slower (my Blackberry was down to 4 Kbps towards the end.) Yeah, and I’m sure that anyone who owns a T-Mobile Sidekick is happy right now too, since T-Mobile botched the service in a spectacular way that made everyone’s Sidekick phones lose their stored phone numbers, photos, ring tones, and games.

I had to finally turn the heat on yesterday. But I did wait until the house got down to 54 degrees before I just couldn’t take it anymore. Electricity is absurdly expensive in Maryland because the former Governor (Robert Ehrlich) decided to let BGE operate as an unregulated monopoly for energy generation. So of course the first thing the company did was to more than double the price of natural gas and electricity. The CEO got a $30 million dollar bonus last year. Now our current Governor (Martin O’Malley) is dragging his heels on allowing a new power plant to be built – despite the fact that in doing so, thousands of jobs would be created and the price of electricity would go down because of the additional generating capability. He also raised taxes – a lot – despite the fact that the Bush Recession shows no signs of letting up anytime in the near future. So, to say the least, my income is lower, but everything else costs more. Lovely.

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