Saturday, March 27, 2010, 08:29 AM
Indigo Incarnates I worked my Spring Rite as this month’s moon service at Turning Circle. It’s a pleasant, life-affirming ritual in which the spellcrafting involves empowering a plant with our intentions of things we want to grow or improve in our lives. We’ve got two new regular visitors who are considering becoming full members. Whoo-hoo! ] My friend Mav’s child is finally old enough to be able to sit through a 60-minute service without bouncing around like a Mexican jumping bean, so that was pretty good. Vera is about the most pleasant and good-natured 4-year-old anyone is likely to encounter. Having attended a few Unitarian church services, I can understand why they are so willing to reach out to the Wiccan/Pagan community. Both faiths affirm life, human dignity, and the preservation of the ecosystem. The Unitarians simply don’t work magic into their services and we do. By contrast, the fundamentalist Christian services invariably affirm death, shame, and the concept of a “throwaway” ecology (they claim the Rapture’s coming, so they can rape the Earth any way they want to.) I really can understand why paganism is making a comeback in this country. It’s a religious ideology that believes that life is sacred, that males and females are equally loved and valued by deity, and that benchmark for behavior is “do not harm” instead of “do not sin”. After all, “sin” is arbitrary and comes from a book, while “harm” is innate and comes from the heart. We all know when we’ve hurt someone, and Christians use the “sin” benchmark as a way of them justifying hurting others.
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Sunday, March 14, 2010, 10:02 AM
Indigo Incarnates
This weekend has been a typical Maryland weekend. It started raining Friday night. It’s rained all day Saturday. It’s raining all day today. It’s likely to clear up just in time for me to have to drag my tired rear-end into work on Monday. It just doesn’t seem fair. To add insult to injury, I have one leaky window in the house. It doesn’t always leak, but when it does, it leaks badly. So yesterday morning, I cam downstairs to find the whole kitchen flooded. So I had to clean that up and put a bucket under the ceiling where the leaky window in the second floor dribbles into the first floor. So I hear “drop… drop… drop…” for 36 hours straight.
Of course, the sudden shift from 60/sunny to 40/rainy was pretty much crippling for me. It seems unfair that, under certain weather conditions, I can feel ever major injury that I’ve ever had. So, I basically hurt all day yesterday. It’s not as bad this morning, but it’s not great.
This weekend has really sucked.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 01:22 PM
Indigo Incarnates
While government jobs are hardly the most lucrative endeavor on the planet, they do have the advantage of offering a reasonable amount of vacation time. So this week I have been visiting my friend Doris in South Carolina. It’s a very pleasant “do nothing” vacation (as opposed to the other vacation that I take with Doug which is a “do everything” vacation). It’s nice to just hang out with friends and watch movies.
Yesterday, Doris and I did a road trip to visit two of her children that are in college. I’m pretty impressed that they are both art school students. I think her son is in graphic design and her daughter is into ceramics. We were driving the Insight-II so we drove from Spartansburg to Greenwood (52 miles) on a single gallon of gasoline! Whoooo-hooo! On the way up to college, I was driving Doris nuts by keeping the car in battery mode too much and thus driving the car really slowly (I’m not a speed demon anyway, and owning this car encourages slow-pokeness).
Today, we visited Emerald Farm. It’s a sort of combination farm and petting zoo. This is Willow’s favorite place to visit when we come to Greenwood. Emerald Farm has goats, rabbits, roosters, hens, ducks, llamas, alpacas, peacocks, and one very old (28-year-old) horse. It’s also got a lake stocked full of huge catfish. It also has an adult-sized swing set. Very cool.
I have to drive home tomorrow. The 606-mile drive is about as long a drive as I can withstand. I can do it, but just barely. I have Thursday off so that I can recover from the Wednesday drive. On Friday, I go back to work, but all I will have to do is write court reports since Friday is not a reporting day for the junkie/flunkies. So, overall, this is a pretty cool week.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010, 09:17 PM
Indigo Incarnates
Lemme tell ya… this has got to be one of the most boring weeks that I have ever encountered. The courthouse has been closed the entire week, so I was unable to actually do any actual work. I am bored out of my skull.
I’m trying really hard to not get on Doug’s nerves. He has the patience of a saint. It’s hard to spend quality time with someone with a dissociative disorder on a good day. He has actually somehow put up with me 24/7 for six days straight. I am really lucky to have Doug.
Of course, one of the side effects of being totally snowed in is that I got a whole lot of exercise this week. For me to go anywhere, I’ve had to walk. This is good, since without the 4 miles per day I’ve been getting, I’d have gone stark, raving mad. I also shoveled a whole lot of snow. A huge amount of snow. Egads.
I hope the roads clear soon so things will go back to normal. I’m feeling kinda cranky. I find a lot of comfort in a daily routine, and this blizzard has totally derailed my routine for a week.
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