Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 06:56 AM
Indigo Incarnated
I know it's been a while since I posted. It's the same tired story every year: the sun goes away, and with it so does my energy. Sometimes I feel like I'm maxed out just going to work and back. It doesn't help much that, in Baltimore, the sky can be overcast for weeks at a time in autumn and winter. Add to that the fact that we usually get a thin, bone-chilling rain instead of snow. It just plain sucks.
This winter had an additional twist. I was prescribed a cardiac medicine to control tachycardia (my heart sometimes goes to 210+ for no good reason). Well, the medicine was a disaster. Not only did it *further* deplete my energy, but it caused me to gain 25 pounds in about three months. So I stopped taking it.
The Solstice has come and gone. With the malfunctioning meds out of my system, I'm back at my usual exercise routine (being a little more careful, so as not to trigger the super-fast heart rate). The days have lengthened just enough that I can see the sun for a few minutes after work (on the rare non-overcast day).
So things are looking up.
I've been writing a novel for the past five years and am now working on chapter 59 (the chapter is called "The Palace of Hemi-Powered Drones"). I have 277,200 words written overall. The fact that I'm writing again is another effect of the seasonal energy-drain letting up a bit.
I wanted to thank Java, Phos, Carol, and Celtic for always having kind words for me. :)
I'm looking forward to spring.
Blessed be!
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Monday, December 21, 2009, 10:23 PM
Indigo Incarnates
Doug and I had a pretty low-key Yule today since the worship service at Cedar Light Grove got postponed until Saturday (thanks to about 2' of snow). But it really is nice getting REAL snow at least once per winter. And to have snow at Yule was a real bonus.
The funny thing us that Christmas and Yule basically celebrate the same thing. Jesus is a lightbringer, born of Mary. The Sun God is born of the Mother Goddess. The days will start getting longer again. And, in a few short months, life will return to the land. The cycle of life, death, rest, and rebirth continues, as it should.
Doug gave me a pair of statues for my altar and gave me a book. The Goddess and God figurines are pretty and really round out the altar.
I did a very complete job cleaning the house as a special treat for Doug. He was pretty happy with how clean the house looked when he came home. I didn't have any money, but I could at least do something nice for Doug.
Blessed be :)
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Episcopal Church Knifes GLBT Community
Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 01:09 PM
Indigo Incarnates
Although the Episcopal Church has a reputation as being at least somewhat GLBT-supportive, when the excrement hits the whirling blades, the Episcopal Church shows that it's no different than all the other hate-based, homophobic religions.
There's a bill in Uganda that, if passed, would elevate homosexuality to a capital offense. Currently, getting a conviction of simply being gay will get you a 14-year jail term in that country. But now the religious fundamentalists want to put the very lives of homosexuals up for popular vote.
What is the Episcopal Church's OFFICIAL view on the possibility of exterminating gays via the ballot box? Here it is:
"The Anglican Church of Uganda on Nov. 6 issued a press release saying that it is studying the bill and does not yet have an official position on the proposed legislation. However, the release restated the Ugandan church's position that "homosexual behavior is immoral and should not be promoted, supported, or condoned in any way as an 'alternative lifestyle.'"
http://www.episcopalchurch.org/79901_117435_ENG_HTM.htmThanks for NOTHING.
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The Ten Commandments in Practice
Saturday, November 7, 2009, 07:27 AM
Indigo Incarnates
We are all familiar with Exodus 20. It’s not a bad set of rules as far as religious rules go: Love God, love your spouse and parents, and don’t lie, cheat, steal, covet, or kill. Sadly, this set of rules is outdated for modern Christianity. I’ve been an observer of Christian behavior for quite a while, and I’ve figured out the Ten Commandments that they ACTUALLY live by:
ONE: Thou shalt hate homosexuals with all your mind, heart, body, and spirit.
TWO: Thou shalt vote Republican in all matters of democracy
THREE: Thou shalt use deception, falsehood, and guile to accomplish thy goals.
FOUR: Thou shalt blame homosexuals for all matter of natural calamity as well as for war and famine,
FIVE: Thou shalt not murder, save that the victim is homosexual; then thou shalt strike to kill.
SIX: Thou shalt disavow one’s offspring if they proclaim to be homosexual.
SEVEN: Thou shalt slander religions other then thine own.
EIGHT: Thou shalt fear science, art, culture, and literature.
NINE: Thou shalt give credence to Leviticus, Acts, Romans, and Revelations above all other Biblical manuscripts.
TEN: Thou shalt claim Christ’s mercy for thine own whilst denying it to those who displeasest thou.
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